Boughton Leigh Junior School

Welcome to Our Website!

Young Voices 2025

Welcome to the pgae for the Young Voices 2025 choir.

On here you'll find links to the Young Voices website and any communications I have to send out.

Young Voices is a fantastic event and one that the children remember for a lifetime. The date for this year's show is Wednesday 29th January 2025. 

If you want to order tickets to come to the show through the school then we need the paperwork and payment through in the next two weeks. This is because YV only accept school invoices up to the end of September. After that we ask that you order your own tickets through the YV website.


With that in mind can we ask that you sign up for the YV website by following this link:

CLICK HERE for YV Website Sign up

Once you have signed up you can add your child/children and then they will have access to the music room.

I will post a 'how to' video to take you through the setting up and an overview of the YV site shortly.


Keep an eye on this page as there will new information popping up regularly.

All the best


Mr Gaskell

Young Voices 2024/25

If you have a question about Young Voices 2024/25 please feel free to contact me!

YV 2025 Ticket Order Form
YV 2025 Ticket Order Form


'What date is the concert?' -  29th January 2025

'How much does YV cost' - It's free for the children in the choir. If you want to come and watch you'll need to buy tickets using the form above and returing it to the office. Or by ordering throughthe YV website.

Running Order

Wednesday 29th January


12;30pm Choir leaves school

1:15 arrive at Resorts World and have packed lunch

2:00pm Rehearsals start

5:00pm Rehearsals end - Eat packed tea

6:00pm Doors open for audience

7:00pm concert starts

9:00pm Concert ends

9:15pm Children leave venue

10:15 Children return to school to be collected.


The children will need two packed meals (if you recieve free school meals we will provide one for lunch but children will need providing with a second one)

The children get to and return  from the venue on the bus. They will need collecting from school once we return. Don't worry, we're used to waiting for the parents/carers to get back from the concert!