Boughton Leigh Junior School

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School Car Park

1 February 2019 (by admin)

A reminder about the school car park

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to remind you that in the interest of pupil safety there is no access for unauthorised vehicles within the school grounds. Despite text messages going out asking parents not to enter the site, we are finding this is an increasing problem.

On Thursday 31st of January two staff vehicles were hit by cars in two unrelated incidents and after noting around 20 cars entering the grounds, a ten minute ‘spot check’ was carried out. During this time 45 cars entered the school site as follows:


FG14 OXZ       MF56 LFH      BW57 FUJ     KO67 XEW     KN65 FRJ       MV57 ZSU      

FV56 EXC     SH05 FMA     RE02 DFC       KW13 HBV     VX14 VCK      BL08 NWR     YK11 UKH 

VX13 OHC       HU11 UYK     DE06 EVB     LR61 DDJ       YS62 ZNB        LC18 ZPV      

YS09 KFT         BT57 FMO    GM14 MVP    GU62 PXH     FM16 UGK     BX13 OHC      SHO4 SJX

YR12 KAX       XY66 HHW     BP18 YGV      LT16 SFX        SW08 KYP     KW12 OVC    

LO62 BHA      NU10 VXV      SE08 RUY       KR65 KBP       DYG7 ZTO     EK61 JDX        J18 OME

KP17 MGJ     NJ56 JJF         FE56 NMN     PE55 BNA      SD17 OLK

During this time pupils were observed being released from cars and walking both in front and behind moving vehicles and in one or two cases cars were left parked and causing obstruction. 

I ask that you support the school and our pupils and adhere to the ‘Staff Only’ access to the school grounds. If you are dropping children off for Jolly Brollies then the last session begins at 8am. We ask that no parents attempt to enter the grounds once the automatic gate is in action from 8.15am.

When parking to drop children off to walk in to school, please be courteous to our neighbours and park with pupil safety in mind, and without blocking drive access points. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,



Mrs Duynstee


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