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Welcome to Boughton Leigh Junior School
Welcome to Boughton Leigh Junior School and to our website where you will find a range of information, policies and news.
We are a very proud 4 form entry school and have on offer, a wide and balanced curriculum which embraces the needs of all and essentially builds on our desire to prepare children for their life as adults. This is encompassed in our mission statement: Inspiring the minds of the next generation.
English and Maths lessons are engaging for pupils and are well supported by our wide ranging foundation curriculum, where History, P.E/Sport, PSHE and Forestry are a particular strength.
In addition to this we run an additional SEND Provision for pupils across Warwickshire who have an EHCP identifying primary needs in Communication and Interaction, and/ or ASD – please see the link to their own dedicated website.
We also offer before and after school wrap around care through our friendly KidZone which offers fun activities both indoors and out; the opportunity to complete homework tasks, and if required, an evening meal. We have an additional Breakfast Club, run by invitation, for school children with high anxiety facing the start of a school day, as well as a wide range of clubs and activities run by staff throughout the day.
At BLJS, we believe that learning should be fun and as such pupil engagement is key.
Outside we have 4 playgrounds with a range of activities on each, including a gym trail and Zen Garden. There is plenty to do, and pupils are supported by experienced staff, Harris Sports
and Rugby Council Play Rangers, who arrange organised games.
We run whole school support for well-being through the THRIVE approach, for which we have three trained practitioners. We have several Designated Leads for Safeguarding and additionally, two Pupil and Family Support workers who deliver Early Help and support for vulnerable children and families. Teachers and pupils are well supported by a team of experienced Teaching Assistants, including TAs that run therapy sessions and Forest School. We also have a trained support dog called George, so lots to enhance the physical, mental and academic development of our children.
We believe in the fundamental British Values and our pupils' ability to be successful and constructive citizens. Part of this is displayed through our school Parliament, whereby pupils may elect to join the House of Commons to represent their class, or may be elected by other pupils and staff, to be part of the House of Lords: a team that works closely with senior leaders to share pupil voice and make real changes to our setting.
In addition to the website, we communicate as required through Teachers2Parents texting service; by phone; weekly through Class Charts and half termly by Newsletter. We have our own BLJS Facebook page and free APP which will help keep you abreast of calendar dates, letters and news.
I hope that you enjoy browsing our website and look forward to seeing you and your children in our wonderful school.
Kind regards,
Mrs Dionne Hunter
Acting Headteacher